The Liminal Healing of Queerness

2023, Video and sound installation, Run time 7:07 mins

Two screen projections, audio recording of LGBTQ+ people reading poem, and printed prayer card handout

Creating safe spaces in an unsafe world is a matter of holding truth with heart. We invite you to use this space as a moment to reflect and decompress. Here we honor the safety in truth telling, and how queer ancestral healing can be an avenue to connection. The Liminal Healing of Queerness looks across time to tend to our traumas. Asking, what does it mean to approach our healing modalities through a queer lens? LGBTQ+ people with ages ranging from 16-67 participated in reading this poem. Videos of the surf were captured at Riis Beach in NYC, a site that has for generations been a place of healing and joy for queer and trans communities. This room invites you to meditate on the ways the past and future can tend our spirits.

 Readers: Carrie Hawks, Diana Elrod, Markus Skildum, Kara Mshinda, Suji Kanneganti, and Heather Marie Scholl