

Whitework is a series of home decor and wearable items that confront white women’s roles in the establishment and maintenance of white supremacy. Using whitework embroidery and other white-on-white techniques these works illustrate the subtle and violent methods that white women have used to enact racial violence. The everyday nature of these objects reminds us that these histories and actions surround us in all that we do. 

This series inspired the co-creation of Confront White Womanhood, an anti-racism education initiative for white women. Workshops were held for the Womens March, Columbia University, National Society of Genetic Counselors, and Mothering Justice (2016-2020)

It also included a street art mini series of co-created stickers installed across NYC and at the Women’s March in Washington DC 2017.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, 2018, 22”x16”

The Throne of Equality or the Invisible Journey, 2017, 44”x 23”x 21”

A Perfect (white) Woman, 2018, 64"x 84"

A (white) Woman’s Work, 2016, 34"x 43"

The Heroine’s Veil, 2016, 38"x 46"